The town of Coscomatepec is a tiny Mexican village nestled in the mountains of Vera Cruz on the edge of an 18,000-foot volcano...

Plate #49: Winter Fog, Southern Mexico

Coscomatepec, Yucatan, 1997

The town of Coscomatepec is a tiny Mexican village nestled in the mountains of Vera Cruz on the edge of an 18,000-foot volcano. Every evening during the winter months the fog rolls in at dusk, creating a surrealistic landscape of muffled sounds and ghost-like figures moving through the dark. Cabelleros ride their horses through the village square as mysterious Indians, wrapped in Serapi blankets, huddle in the shadows. It was a magical night, with Christmas lights aglow through the palm trees and fog.

The Yucatan Passages Portfolio is proudly represented by the House of Photographic Arts in San Juan Capistrano, CA.

To purchase prints from the Yucatan Passages Portfolio, please contact Robert Hansen at 949-525-3346, or email at [email protected]

Photo © copyright by Robert Hansen.

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